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About me

Graduated from FATEC - Faculdade de Tecnologia de Mogi das Cruzes, I have been in the technology market since 2014, predominantly working in startups and fintechs across various industries and market niches.

I have experience driving architecture decisions across large domains involving multiple teams in a global environment, also dealing with legacy codebase and heterogeneous tech stack.

Part of the technologies that I worked was:

  • cloud: aws
  • messaging sqs,sns, kafka, rabbitMQ
  • programming languages c# + .net, elixir, golang
  • databases SQL server, Postgres, Mongo DB
  • containers AWS EKS, Kubernetes, docker, docker-compose
  • monitoring grafana, datadog, grafana loki, sentry, prometheus
  • architecture Microservices, Modular monoliths
  • domain mapping Domain Driven Design, use cases, event storm
  • documentation RFCs, ADRs, architecture diagrams, ubiquitous language

My mission is to enable businesses through technology by making the best architectural and technical decisions given the context, always understanding the trade-offs of each decision.

Career timeline

Sumup, São Paulo — Staff Software engineer Jan 2023 - Present

Sumup is a global fintech that offers card reads and banking solutions. As a staff engineer, my goal was to lead the global card platform development across Brazilian and European markets. Building a highly extensible platform and also reach the Brazilian time to market. I was involved in all aspects of this project, from the requirements discovery with my peers engineer manager and product manager until the final delivery with coding with development team.

Acting most of the time as an enabler for the Brazilian cards squad and as an advocate of the solution for the European cards squad.

Stack: Elixir, Postgres, Golang, K8S, Terraform, Kong, AWS, GitOp with Github actions, GraphQL, MongoDB

Sumup, São Paulo — Specialist Software Engineer Jun 2021 - Jan 2023

As a Specialist software engineer, I worked in the open banking squad that was part of the engagement subtribe. My first and biggest challenge was to understand open banking end-to-end and with a peer software engineer develop all central bank required functionalities according to the timeline. After the first release the challenge was to create mechanisms to drive engagement as the backend-for-front-end adoption removing the huge logic for mobile, this experiment became the pattern across the Sumup Global Bank Tribe.

Sumup, São Paulo — Senior Sofware Engineer Jan 2020 - Jun 2021

When I joined the Bank Tribe, the bank product was in the beginning and it was required to speed up the development of core banking products, this was the goal of my squad which was called cashout. This squad was responsible to build TED (brazilian bank transfers), Bill payment and mobile topup after that we focused on improving these products with side features as bank receipt and transfer contacts.

Bom pra Crédito, São Paulo — Senior Sofware Engineer Jun 2029 - Dez 2019

Bom Pra Crédito is a Brazilian credit marketplace that offers credit cards and also loans, It has more than 30 partners. As an engineer at Bom Pra Crédito, my goal was to step up engineering practices across the development team. Coaching and mentoring developers to deliver features with a good test suit attending all requirements. As a member of the integrations squad, I worked to create a technical backlog and start the proof of concepts. My achievements here were deliver a fallback mechanism to switch from the on-premise rabbit mq to an SQS with zero downtime and message loss and lead the migration from .net framework to .net core without a code freeze.

Stack: C#,.net framework, .net core, K8S, MongoDB, AWS

Neon, São Paulo — Senior Sofware Engineer - Tech Lead Nov 2018 - Jun 2018

Neon is a Brazilian digital bank that offers all banking features. As Senior Sofware engineer and Tech lead of the credit card squad at Neon my challenge was to keep the development of the credit card on track following the technical non-functional requirements while migrating the functions from a monolith to a distributed monolith and then migrate to microservices. My biggest achievement was create the first microservice of Neon while reaching the time-to-market date with a small squad in a collaborative way.

Stack: C#, SQS Server, IIS, on-premise infrastructure running on windows servers

Neon, São Paulo — Mid Sofware Engineer May 2018 - Nov 2018

I joined Neon during an internal crisis when the partner bank was closed by the determination of the Brazilian central bank. At the first moment I worked to keep the core internal services working during infrastructure migration the I worked to build features for internal users and start the migration of features from the core monolith creating a distributed monolith (several business services with single database).

Liera, São Paulo — Mid Sofware Engineer Jun 2016 - May 2018

Liera was a startup with five members developing products focused on card component distribution companies. Most of the time I worked to build a distributed ERP that was built with macroserives based on core domains, I also worked in small side products and business-to-business e-commerce and Mercado Livre internal engine integration.

Stack: C#, MongoDB, message broker, Angular JS

Liera, São Paulo — Junior Sofware Engineer Sep 2015 - Jun 2016

I started at Liera as a full-stack Junior software engineer learning C#, angular and system design.

BIZ - Tecnologia em Meios de pagamento, São Paulo —Software Developer Internship Mar 2014 - Jun 2015

Biz was a card processing company when I started my career. As an intern, my goal was to learn as much as possible and work on solving bugs and delivery features for internal tools. Stack: PL/SQL, Oracle 11g, Javascript, JQuery